
G684 Black Pearl Granite Finishes-1

Here we intrduce the different finishes for the granite stone.  Normally most of the granite can do all the finishes for the different design.  and we take the popular granite stone- G684 black pearl granite for examples.

This section is for the Polished finish,  honed finish,  flamed finish, bush-hammered finish and leather finish. 

G684 Black Pearl Granite Finishes-2

Here we contiune to intrduce the other finishes for the G684 black pearl granite,  Chiseled finish,  Sandblasted finish, natural split finish,  Mushroom finish, Tumbled finish, Grooved finish. 

Diamond saw cutting work for granite stone slabs
Diamond saw cutting is for the slabs production.  it is a key procedure of an order production.  The factory manager will look for the suitable blocks for the products on the order list and cut the correct thickness of the slabs.